The 15-year CONNECT NEC Program and the five-year Capital Investment Plan (CIP) are key components of the Transparency, Collaboration, and Accountability pillar in the NEC Cost Allocation Policy. CONNECT NEC identifies long-term service objectives and associated capital investments over the next 15 years, while the annual CIP demonstrates how the Commission and its member agencies plan to advance CONNECT NEC in the near-term. C37, an update to C35 completed in 2021, assesses NEC-wide rail service and state-of-good-repair goals and the infrastructure investments necessary to meet them. Per statute, the FY24-28 CIP integrates individual capital plans developed by Amtrak, States, and commuter authorities that cover a period of five fiscal years. (Released November 2023).
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Standalone executive summary for CONNECT NEC 2037. (Released November 2023)
November 16, 2023
If fully funded and implemented, CONNECT NEC 2037 will rebuild the corridor’s critical infrastructure, resulting in faster, more reliable, and more frequent trains; new connections for underserved communities and new markets; new jobs; and more resilient, sustainable infrastructure. These fact sheets highlight benefits, service improvements, and investment highlights for each of the NEC states.
CONNECT NEC 2035 is a 15-year plan representing the most ambitious reinvestment program in the NEC’s history and a new way of planning: a multi-agency, multi-year, shared action plan guided by a long-term vision. The state governments of the Northeast, the federal government, eight commuter rail agencies, and Amtrak worked together through the NEC Commission to develop a detailed and efficient sequencing of infrastructure investment covering 150 projects along the corridor. (Released July 2021)
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By chapter:
Standalone executive summary for CONNECT NEC 2035. (Released July 2021)
CONNECT NEC 2035 divided the NEC into five territories for analysis. Each territory has multiple capital projects that were analyzed year-over-year to ensure that the railroad can be successfully renewed without unreasonable service interruptions. (Released July 2021)
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CONNECT NEC 2035 will be a unified blueprint for sequencing all capital investments required to advance a long-term vision for the future of the NEC. This brochure is an overview of the work the NEC Commission is doing as part of this collaborative planning process which is targeted for completion by fall 2021. (Published September 2020)