NEC Capital Investment Plan (Fiscal Years 2022-2026)

The NEC Capital Investment Plan (CIP) integrates infrastructure investments planned by each agency into a single document to create a corridor-wide view of projects and funding needs over the next five years. For the first time, the FY22-26 CIP has CONNECT NEC 2035, a 15-year service development plan and infrastructure planning process, to guide its development. The CIP provides detailed project-level information, including anticipated scopes of work and upcoming project milestones, submitted and vetted by Commission member agencies, for projects which could occur in the next five years according to the C35 sequencing process. Year One of the CIP is fiscally constrained and serves as an implementation plan and valuable tool for collaboration, transparency, and accountability among NEC agencies. The Commission will use Year One of the CIP as the baseline against which it measures capital program delivery performance. (Released October 2021)

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